Gemini Observatory Engagement

Please see the Trusted CI blog for the latest updates on our engagement with Gemini. 

During the early Summer of 2015, Trusted CI and Gemini executed a short engagement, lasting just a few weeks, to take a quick look at the Gemini Observatory’s cybersecurity stance and develop a set of recommendations. Gemini staff answered an online questionnaire, supplied requested documents, and participated in several conference calls with Trusted CI staff. Based on the information gathered, Trusted CI developed a report with a number of prioritized recommendations.

In the late fall and early winter of 2015/2016, Trusted CI and Gemini executed an extended engagement plan focused on core policy processes and documentation, as well as a close unified look at ICS/SCADA, technical, and physical controls at Gemini North.

For a more detailed descriptions of these engagements, see the associated blog entries: